About Mary's S.M.I.L.E.

Spiritual Mothers in Lay Evangelization

Lay women from around the country drawn to a deeper personal faith in Jesus through recent spiritual renewal movements and inspired to bring God’s love to others under the anointing of the Holy Spirit began to gather in support of one another.

They were inspired by the Blessed Mother and all she has done to bring others to follow her Son. They were enthusiastically drawn to tell others about their personal relationship with Jesus, and their joy in devotion to the Blessed Mother. They desired to pray for the needs of individuals, families and the priesthood. They realized that they had been given spiritual gifts to use in ministering to the broken hearted, searching and confused soul.

As they gathered together, consecrating their lives to Jesus through Mary, they recognized a call to imitate Mary’s womanly and motherly role in spreading the gospel. Praying for guidance from the Holy Spirit, the concept of SMILE groups emerged, and five initial SMILE groups formed with the blessing of Bishop Gregory Parks of the Diocese of St. Petersburg, Florida.

Meeting once a month to support one another. Participants share their experiences and challenges in spiritually mothering others. Gatherings provide a time of encouragement, reflections on spiritually mothering others and prayer ministry to one another. Individually members of SMILE groups are active in their parish ministries, bible studies, prayer groups and lay apostolates.

As women disciples, we have become blessed with spiritual friendship with Jesus.  He anoints us to build up His Church with the spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit he has given us. He directs us to honor and imitate His own Mother Mary who intercedes for us in this work. He guides us through the power of the Holy Spirt to evangelize, nurture faith in others and bring healing to broken hearts.

We believe Jesus asks us to pray for His priests, to support each of them as we are able, and collaborate with their priestly ministry with our own “feminine genius.”

We believe that by embracing this calling to Spiritual Motherhood, we can most fruitfully live out our particular lay apostolate role.